Drug Distribution Penalties in Franklin, Tennessee

Learn about drug distribution penalties in Franklin, TN including jail time, fines, and parole.

Drug Distribution Penalties in Franklin, Tennessee

Drug-related offenses in Tennessee can carry a range of penalties, depending on the type and amount of drugs involved, as well as the defendant's criminal record. Common punishments include jail time, fines, and parole. Recently, narcotics detectives and deputy detectives from the Franklin Police arrested Georgia Felner and Sandra Wells after the Grand Jury handed down charges in the case. The severity of drug distribution charges in Tennessee can vary greatly. Small-scale sales of drugs in schools, bars, and neighborhoods are punishable by law, as is the large-scale importation and trafficking of illegal substances from California and Texas to Atlanta, Nashville, and beyond. If you have been charged with a drug-related offense in Franklin, Tennessee, it is important to seek legal advice from an experienced criminal defense attorney.

An attorney can help you understand the charges against you and the potential penalties you may face. They can also help you build a strong defense to protect your rights. Drug distribution is a serious crime in Tennessee that carries severe penalties. Depending on the type and amount of drugs involved, as well as the defendant's criminal record, punishments can range from jail time to hefty fines. In some cases, parole may also be imposed.

The most common drug distribution charges in Franklin are for possession with intent to distribute or sell. This means that a person is found to be in possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell or distribute it to another person. This charge carries a minimum sentence of one year in prison and a maximum sentence of six years. In addition to jail time, fines are also common punishments for drug distribution offenses. The amount of the fine depends on the type and amount of drugs involved.

For example, if someone is found guilty of distributing marijuana, they may be fined up to $2,500. If someone is found guilty of distributing cocaine or heroin, they may be fined up to $5,000. Parole is another possible punishment for drug distribution offenses in Franklin. Parole is a period of supervised release from prison that allows an offender to serve part of their sentence outside of prison. During this period, offenders must adhere to certain conditions set by the court or parole board.

These conditions may include attending counseling sessions or drug treatment programs. If you have been charged with a drug-related offense in Franklin, Tennessee, it is important to seek legal advice from an experienced criminal defense attorney. They can also help you build a strong defense to protect your rights.

Betsy Werley
Betsy Werley

General social media enthusiast. Subtly charming bacon buff. Certified pop culture junkie. Total music buff. Evil coffee maven. Wannabe food guru.

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